
To whom it may concern,

Life is hard. It is just down-right tough. It gives and it takes. I am not sure if that ever changes. I read a quote the other day that read something like, “Life will always throw you curveballs, just keep fouling them off. The right pitch will come, but when it does, be prepared to run the bases.” While on the surface this quote does appear to be incredibly cheesy, cliche, and straight out of a Hollywood classic, I still think it holds an incredible amount of meaning.

Once upon a time I included in a letter not so different from this one, that according to my experience, human beings are relationship oriented specimens. We are life-forms that were molded at birth to interact with one another. We are taught to share and to speak. On our own we are lost, powerless even. We have no reason to share with one another or to speak with one another. On our own we are only left with questions; questions that are almost always impossible to answer. With questions comes uncertainty, and with uncertainty comes fear. On our own we are fated to what David Foster Wallace called our “default setting.” But together, we thrive, and not in the usual definition of the word thrive. When human beings flock to each other they gain access to things like confidence, encouragement, love, sadness, pain, jealousy, anger, and happiness, and logic. They gain the ability to utilize their mind in such a way that would never be possible on their own. The ability to access any one of these things is a gift. To have this gift bestowed upon you means you are alive. You are living, and not living in the literal “heartbeat” sense of the word. I didnt understand it for the longest time, but in my immediate experience to feel is to live.

One thing that I believe is important to note is that once this gift is received, the journey does not stop there. No, this is not your average gift. It is not a gift that you will undoubtedly store in the back of your closet and forget about for 6-8 months. This gift is a skill, and just like any other skill it must be honed. Being completely in touch with your place in the world (and therefore directly the people around you) and accessing your emotional and logical skill set is a process. One that is lifelong. It is easy to forget that while our own feelings and thought processes are immediate and self-centered, they are not always righteous. While you may appear to be the outright center of the universe, I can almost certainly assure you, you are not. Mistakes will happen and be learned from. People will inevitably arrive and depart. Happiness will ensue for as long as you allow it do so.

Here’s to being alive.


A student of the process.

Grace – “How Could I Ever Say No To You?”


1 Year Earlier



“Sir, we need you to step out of the room.”


“Sir, we need you outside. You HAVE to step out outside.”







The National Weather Service has issued a severe thunderstorm watch for the greater listening area until 10 p.m. this evening.

It’s Friday and the highway to the harbor is busier than most weekends. We love this stretch of road. Even though it takes us eight miles in the wrong direction, we always arrive at harbor. We love the harbor. There’s one moment that I will always remember. It was a scorcher of an evening three Labor Day’s ago. You had just asked me to get you an ice cream from Spencer’s, which conveniently happened to be at the end of the pier. How could I ever say no to you? Gazing over the pier I noticed you had made your way down to the beach. There was a moment where the sun was piercing the water; it was piercing you, as you gazed across the sea. It was you, the sun, and the sea. There was nothing and everything in that moment. I never wanted to leave that stretch of pier. You were so far away; an outlined shadow that would be forever casted over me. It was you, the sun, and the sea. You would have sat in that moment forever, as would I, but you would never let anything keep you from your ice cream.

You have always loved our drives; that I always make an effort to take my time on our road, especially on days like this. The breeze is breaking against the car, and whistling through our hair. You laugh, even in the wake of an approaching storm. Black clouds. It takes its time. It is in no hurry. It will arrive precisely when it means to.

As the skies darken, the road clears. The road is the figurative calm before the storm. My automotive companions have made their way to the exits. The curtains are closing. It’s half past six o’clock. We’re making good time. We always do.

“Grace is our family,” You would always tell me. I remember the day we bought her. It was a Wednesday afternoon, and your mother had just passed away. Returning from your bridge game, I watched you stroll through the kitchen and out the back door. You love bridge. You needed your space after your mother passed, and I respected that. I love you for it. You were in the garden staring at your roses. I always wondered what you were thinking in those moments. Were you looking for a sign? A message? I never knew if those moments were filled with bliss or doubt. I saw it in your face. I wanted to be there with you. You were so far away, but then in the blink of an eye, as if you had never left, you came back to me. You always do.


“Honey? Honey, what’s wrong?”

“Joe, I want to buy a boat.”

“Of course honey. You love the ocean.”

How could I ever say no to you? We bought Grace that day. You always saw light at the end of any dark corridor, even if the light was no where to be found. Where is that light now? Where are you now?

Turning off the car the harbor, much like the road, is suspiciously calm. The sun is glimmering on the water at a blinding rate. It is the heartbeat of the harbor. The gulls are becoming uneasy as they feel the sun slowly being shrouded by the approaching malady. Staring out at the lighthouse, I feel each and every sporadic gust of wind it casts out. As they crash against me, I feel the motive and drive behind them.

Scotch in hand, I spot Grace. She is by no means the largest sailboat docked in the harbor, but she is ours. After a year, algae has stained her blonde planks. We never meant for this to happen. Your railings are no longer beaming and majestic. Gull droppings have caused you to no longer mirror the sun.

Climbing aboard, I am impacted by a stronger gust of wind. I nearly falter, but you would never let me. To escape the wind, I enter the cabin. Our initials are still carved into the wooden door leading in. The initials have left me with a feeling that this boat is all we have left. It is all we have left. The carvings feel fresh against my fingertips. I feel you inside them. Pushing the door open, the bedspread is disheveled just like we left it. Your scent is still heavy. It’s paralyzing. Dust is blanketed about the room like a fresh snow. The radio I bought you when we first met rests upon the night-stand. Turning it on, a familiar sound floods my ears.


The National Weather Service has issued a severe thunderstorm warning for the greater listening area until 9:30 p.m. this evening.

This cabin has always been our sanctuary, however it feels different now; an empty shell of what once was. It’s musty and riddled with a year of corruption. The decay has set in. Pouring a glass of scotch, I allow it to infect me. The putrid air is strangely liberating. I breathe you in. With every sip of my scotch, and every gasp of noxious air, I feel as though I am closer to you.


Smashing the radio against the floor, I hear the sound fizzle out. It’s gone for now.

“I’m sorry.”

I exhume myself from the cabin. The disease stricken cabin is to my rear; your mark on the door still deceivingly fresh. It taunts me. It is a memory of what was, and and a promise of what is to come. For a moment, as I untie Grace from the harbor, I feel myself wanting to look back, to turn away from you. How could I ever turn away? My light, forever guiding me away from the corrupt darkness that continues to tug at my ankles.

Pushing off the dock I hear the auxiliary engine purr. You never particularly liked that I bought an auxiliary for Grace. You loved that she harnessed the wholesomeness of the wind, and that she was unmarred by engines and gasoline. On this evening, the wind does not feel wholesome. It’s malicious. It is the product of a menacing entity approaching from the south, and with it comes the distinct intention of reshaping the very core of Grace and I’s existence.

The dock is farther away now and the trip out of the harbor is an all too familiar site. We have made this journey more times than I can count, but today’s journey is different. The beam of light that fires out of the old lighthouse spins in infinite fashion. The lighthouse is waiting and watching. It is waiting for me to decide. What it does not know is that I already have.  The eye within the forever erected structure that has veered us away from rocks and shallow water sees me. We see each other. Without doubt, it accepts my decision.

I hear myself let out a faint whisper as I turn my attention away from the lighthouse and towards the darkness.


The view of the lighthouse has escaped me. Adjusting the jib, I see and feel the skies split. To the north the path to the heavens is transparently clear, while the southwest darkens at an infectious rate. As I feel my joints begin to strain, I pour another glass of the single malt scotch. It’s smooth. More so now than my initial gulps at the harbor.

I feel as though I am outside of my body. My feet rest upon Grace’s railings. The boat is concussed. The wind is quickening. The weight of the scotch is overbearing. It’s getting dark. Too dark to see.

“Rare forms of asphyxiation like this do occur. The reaction was too severe. Unfortunately there is nothing more we can do.”

“She was fine…”

“She will not wake up. Her brain was deprived of oxygen for too long. Irreparable damage has been done. Unfortunately, a decision has to be made. I’m sorry.”

“She was fine…”

The hull is cracked. Lying face down, my cheek is cold against Grace’s floor. Like the pendulum, my empty bottle of whiskey rolls from port to starboard. In my left peripheral I see the mast has been dismembered. The howling Zephyr will not allow me to regain my footing. It is as if he has acknowledged my decision. With his acknowledgement comes his gift. The rogue wave is the final fray. The rip tide has commenced. As Grace and I are pulled closer, it is felicity that engulfs me. I know now where you were in the garden, gazing at your roses.


“How could I ever say no to you?”

The Words Under the Characters. The Legend of the “Smiley” -insert creepy Transylvanian voice

Let’s all just be honest. At some point in our technologically sound lives we have either received or sent a text message that included the legendary smiley face.  What most men don’t realize is the political agenda that lies beneath those two god-forsaken characters, usually including a colon and right paren. Don’t get me wrong I have never been one to underestimate the power of a smiley face. A small village in Scotland just conducted a study that showed that by drawing a smiley face on road signs, 53% of drivers actually started to slow down. I’m not making this up. And also let me stress that I am not as cryptic as this post would seem to suggest. I am merely trying to tap into the complexity of the human mind.

When it comes to text messages, this entire philosophical debate arose the other night when I was out with a few friends of mine. I should probably mention that two of these friends were male and two of them were female. In regards to contextual situations all 4 of my friends agreed that they used a smiley face to add a “positive tone” to their texts. No brainer. To all you dudes out there, I am here to say…relax! Just because some chick you just met the night before sent you a couple smiley faces coupled with some incredibly witty banter USUALLY doesn’t mean she wants to have sex with you. Example:

Sally: Thanks for letting me vent to you. I appreciate it. 🙂

Just to clarify, and so no one is confused this text does not say:

Sally: Thanks for letting me vent to you. I appreciate it. Let’s have sex!

I understand that this bit of knowledge comes as a bit of a shock to most guys. But nonetheless, it is time to face the truth. Much like the question mark or the exclamation point, the smiley has turned into its own form on punctuation. At this point you are probably saying to yourself. “Jim you’re crazy. Smiley’s don’t mean anything.” WRONG. The smiley face is to texting as the utility belt is to Batman. Example:

Harry: Sally, I despise you.

Now, let’s take a look at its counterpart.

Harry: Sally, I despise you. 🙂

This text suggests that Sally has partaken in some moderately questionable behavior, but Harry doesn’t give a damn because it’s REALLY NOT A BIG DEAL.

Two grammatical characters change the entire dynamic of this particular situation. WHAT?! Truth. I understand that it is not socially acceptable for guys to utilize the smiley face, and I am here to say this NEEDS TO CHANGE. Girls, if it’s not too much to ask could you please tab over. I need to have guy time. Guys, if a girl tells you she isn’t cryptic and that she doesn’t over analyze your texts. I am here to tell you, SHE IS LYING. If a girl says that she doesn’t partake in this kind of behavior, she most likely doesn’t even realize when she is doing it. At this point, I understand that this suggests that the entire female race is clinically insane, but hey girls. NEWSFLASH. Guys do the exact same thing. I am aware all this sounds absolutely nuts, but hey, maybe I am nuts. But this stuff happens, and it’s where we are going. It is part of life, and there is nothing crazy about living life! (questionable logic) So please, hop on the train before you are left to suffer with the rest of the sane, technologically impaired putzes of the world!


The Must Read List #1: Louise Erdrich’s Four Souls


Look I get it. We live in the 21st century. We live in an age of Facebook statuses and “tweeting” for god sakes. However, for anyone who enjoys picking up the occasional paperback, I highly recommend Louise Erdrich’s Four Souls. I studied English for four years in college, and I will be the first to tell you that I sometimes grow tired of the traditional styles of writing. Louise Erdrich is fresh, she is provocative, well versed, and she is unafraid. This piece of Native American literature is the sequel to her previous book Tracks, and revolves around Fleur Pillager’s quest for revenge against a white man named John Mauser. If you are an avid reader, I invite you to delve into the fountain of literature genius that is Louise Erdrich. Happy reading!

Reddit and Humor in the Job Search

For those of you who do not Reddit, I highly suggest you start. In the “Today I learned” section of reddit, I myself learned that in 2009 some random person actually created his own interpretation of Rambo: First Blood from actual source material. He actually starred himself in twenty roles and filmed the entire film with one camera from his solo apartment. What makes this story hilarious is the fact that critics actually gave it positive reviews. Below is a link to the YouTube video for anyone interested.

Moving on, one thing I have noticed in my job search is how many companies require their applicants to answer two very curious questions.  They are 1. From the perspective of the turtle, what is the turtles greatest accomplishment? 2. Add, substract letters from an already existing word or combine two words to create a new word with a new definition. I actually had a lot of fun with these questions, and sort of wish more companies would include questions like these on their applications. Obviously these questions measure a persons creative prowess. Here are my answers.

Let’s be realistic. I’m a turtle. I am not exactly the most extravagant or glamorous member of the animal kingdom. The unfortunate members of my kind will end up in some variation of gourmet soup, while a very select few will train to be masked turtles who specialize in Kung fu, nun-chucks, and eating large quantities of pizza. In my case, I have chosen to live a regular turtle life; free from the fear of becoming soup or the life of a ninja crime fighter. I have chosen to be adequate. The happy medium. Unfortunately, I am now in strangely ironic situation being that I am upside down in the sand. Just as when I was born, I find myself fighting to reach the sea. “I REFUSE TO BECOME TURTLE SOUP,” I continue to tell myself. Suddenly, out of the corner of one eye I see a canine approaching. He is large, and judging by his continually accelerating speed, he appears to be quite hungry. Out of my other eye, a human approaches. He is smaller than most, and appears to be gentle child. My only hope is that he will show me some marginally small ounce of sympathy. I close my eyes, unable to bear witness to my impending doom. Moments later I opened eyes to find myself in the merciful hands of my human counterpart. I was free.

Tomnipotent (adj.), Tom cat combined with omnipotent: Dominant member of the feline race. Title often held by lions and/or tigers.

 Fun stuff!


Now that I have ended my education (for now at least) I have entered a strange sort of bizarre mode of thinking. “Umm…Now what?” Just to clarify, those who know me know I am usually enveloped in a strange mode of thinking, it just so happens that this new mode of thinking has me questioning my previous “strange mode of thinking.” I digress. Over the past few weeks, I have had a multitude of people ensure me that there is nothing wrong with the “Unknown” (insert creepy classic horror music). To be honest, I have always looked forward to the unknown. A wise professor of mine once told me “Sometimes you have to forget what’s in the past, and learn to appreciate what still remains, and also look forward to what is still to come.” Now more than any of my other 25 years on this earth, those words hold an incredible amount of meaning. Most would assume that after years and years of spelling words, memorizing body parts, and criticizing essays I have no business criticizing, I would take some sort of universal knowledge away from it all. Unfortunately, I do not believe this to be the case. Instead, now I find myself wanting to question everything! In a slightly dramatic sense the “Unknown” has completely engulfed me. In regards to my professor’s quote, I suppose I should just forget the factual and logistical aspects of my education, and instead focus on who I am now. What I know. What is right in front of me. And with that, hope and pray that “what I am now” will lead me somewhere worthwhile. One thing that I know that I am now, is a writer. A “wordsmith.” Writing is the one single solitary thing that my education has presented me with. And for that I am and will be eternally grateful. So for now, amongst an ocean of unknown’s I suppose it would now be appropriate to say that I am on a journey to identify the known. That being said, what’s for dinner?
